We all get ONE SHOT at being young

My older brother was forever telling me (when we were much younger):

You know, I don’t care if I lose my job, my money, my car, my house… I built it once and I can build it again…

which is to say that if he lost everything he could start over, and rebuild and acquire all that he lost, anytime that he wanted.

This made a whole lot of sense… back then, when we were both in our twenties and our bodies were full of virility.

Well, ever since he passed 50 and me in my late forties, this philosophy would not bear out so well today.

Fortunately, we both wised up with just enough time to make some good choices and a few wise investments.

However, if I knew back in my twenties what I learned when I turned forty, I would have made better choices, and my life certainly would have been more comfortable much sooner than now.

It is sad that most of us do not take the time to visualize our futures when we are young, when we have plenty of time to make mistakes and plenty of time to correct them.

As for me, as I am sure it was and is for many young people today, I was focused on the now.

Getting old?… nah! Never.

We are all afforded the opportunity to be young only once and if you get anything out of this story, I hope that it is this… DO NOT WASTE TIME!

When we are young we are full of energy, full of dreams, ideas and ambition, but it is up to each individual to do the things necessary that unleash the kinds of qualities within ourselves that permit us to be productive and constructive throughout our lives.

I was a high school drop out and I spent a lot of time feeling my way through the days of my youth.

I stumbled and fell down many many times.

Most times, I wanted to stay on the ground, because, I had no clue how to get back up and it was so damn hard.

But you know, I truly believe that the times that I fell, were the times that I was at my best, because these were the times when, out of necessity, I dug deep inside of myself to figure out a way.

Well, fortunately, I did figure out a way and I did get back on solid ground many times over, but I was always missing that last piece of the puzzle… how do I stay on solid ground.

After reading many insightful books, researching and asking countless questions of the right people, I am glad to say that I have found my way, and TODAY, I stand on very solid ground.

My prayer for all young Americans, do not squander your FREEDOM, for FREEDOM is your strongest Gift from your Creator, and in America, everyone has the FREE WILL to take full advantage of this Gift of FREEDOM.


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