TOO LATE for a Healthy Lifestyle

Major Corporations invest-in and deploy Powerful Marketing Campaigns, on cable and local television, through local and national radio programs, and through a multitude of popular and far reaching communication and online social media methods, sponsored by and promoted by top celebrities, all in an effort to entice you, (the consumer), to consume their products, and you know what…, IT WORKS!

It works so well, that millions of people across America, are sick with disease in one way or another.

Major Corporations, in their own defense, are quick to point out that:

  • “Consumers are free to exercise their freedom of choice”
  • “We do not force anyone to buy and consume our products”
  • “We do not make any claim that our product is nutritious”
  • We do however claim that our products do taste good”
  • “We expect our customers to do their own research.”

Might I point out that all of the above is TRUE!

Unfortunately, many consumers truly believe what they actually see on television commercials or hear on radio shows, because, after all, the guy or gal hosting the TV commercial or radio show seems to know what he or she is talking about, and after all, they all seem so nice.


The Majority of celebrity spokespeople, radio talk show hosts, or television and news personalities are reading prepared scripts! In many instances, the one reading the prepared script has never even seen the product, much less used or consumed the product which they are promoting!

These people are PAID PROMOTERS and honestly could not care less if the product they are promoting actually is good for you or not, they just want to get paid for their time.

Is there something wrong with this?

I would say YES!

However, we do live in America and Freedom is rampant around here, and quite honestly, Freedom is what makes America The Greatest Country on Earth.

Unfortunately, millions of Americans have neglected doing any kind of research on many types of products which they consume, and the result of this lack of action, has been very poor health for millions of Americans, and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS for the medical industry.

Living a healthy lifestyle is all good and definitely encouraged, but KNOWING that Powerful Marketing Campaigns are subliminally pushing you towards buying those consumable products that are detrimental to your long-term health, can help you to take control of your Freedom of Choice.

Freedom of Choice involves learning about the true ingredients of the products that you are consuming, and the effects that these ingredients have on your internal organs, because by the time you contract gallbladder disease, kidney disease, digestive disorders, liver failure, colon cancer and a host of many other nasty conditions, it is actually TOO LATE for a Healthy Lifestyle.

Major Corporations are not going to change their powerful marketing tactics, therefore, it is up to YOU, as an individual, to resist their messages and make smart choices for a Healthy Lifestyle… before it is TOO LATE.

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