The TRUE American Dream

If you were to ask the question, ‘What is the American Dream?’, the most common answer you might get from most people is, ‘Buying a house’ or ‘Owning a home’.

Whether it is ‘Buying’ or ‘Owning’, I am here to tell you that both answers are wrong.

The reason?… if you are BUYING your house and you lose your source of income, like your job, and you miss a few payments, the lender will most certainly foreclose on your home-loan and you will LOSE YOUR HOUSE!

If you OWN your house, now honestly, do you really ever OWN your house?

No!, because, if you do not pay your taxes, you will most certainly, again, risk LOSING YOUR HOUSE.

If your house is part of a Home Owners Association, depending on how much the HOA restricts your ability to remodel your home, make room additions, where to plant a tree, or fly the American Flag, among other restrictions, you might as well be renting.

Therefore, BUYING or OWNING a house can really be somewhat of a burden and much less of a Dream.

This does NOT mean that you should never aspire
to BUY or OWN your own house!

However, you must be clear about what the TRUE American Dream in America really is.

America is about FREEDOM, and the only way to achieve TRUE AMERICAN FREEDOM is to earn LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY!

Enough MONEY to buy your own house, CASH!

Enough MONEY to buy your own car, CASH!

Enough MONEY to buy a new wardrobe every six months, CASH!

Enough MONEY to raise your children with, CASH!

Enough MONEY to take vacations, CASH!

Enough MONEY to live your life as you so choose, CASH!

AND enough money to pay your taxes, every year… CASH!

Achieving the TRUE American Dream is NOT easy.

It involves personal commitment, the willingness to learn, the desire to add value to yourself, and the confidence to execute specific plans to earn MONEY.

The only way to make LOTS OF MONEY is to multiply your earning potential.

MONEY is not about greed.


MONEY affords anyone the ability to care-for and lift-up those that they care about, such as their Spouse, their Children, their Family and their closest of Friends.

MONEY is the path towards the TRUE American Dream… PERSONAL FINANCIAL FREEDOM and SECURITY!

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