Since the beginning, war has been waged between Good and Evil, and in this war, the fight is for the SOUL of MANKIND.
For Evil to be victorious, it requires that men and women be ignorant of distinguishing between what is right and what is wrong, tolerant of the bad that humanity can do, dependent on what a master is willing to give, and accepting of everything and anything that selfish men and women choose to engage.
For Good to be victorious, it requires that men and women gain knowledge through wisdom, a strong and proper discipline to seek out and choose to walk the righteous path, independent to be provident for self and family, and the ability to judge other men and women so as to select and develop good relations.
Let it be known, that the earth is the domain for Evil, a devious and desolate merchant, in search for souls which are ignorant, influential, lost and vulnerable.
Evil is a tempter which is lured and seductive and enters the mind through the false promise of exhilarating pleasure and opulent gain.
In order to resist and avoid the Evil, you must be able to identify it when you see it, recognize it when you hear it, smell it as it fills your air, taste it when it is near, feel it burn at a touch…, you must know it and call it out by name.
The war between Good and Evil is real and you must shake yourself into awareness if your aim is to live a virtuous and fulfilled life for yourself and your family.
Surround yourself with Good, seek out knowledge and wisdom, shield your soul with discipline and righteousness, remain vigilant, for Evil never sleeps.
Our Creator has given us the Gift of Free Will and has granted us the Freedom to choose, it is up to us, as individuals, to choose wisely.